ALERT: Urge NYS to Include ILC’s in Human Services COLA

ALERT: Urge NYS to Include ILC’s in Human Services COLA

Action Alert:  Support ILC Funding!

No funding increase was proposed in any of the budgets for Independent Living despite the cost of everything rising so quickly. We are strongly advocating that ILCs be included in the human services cost of living adjustment (COLA) being negotiated by the Governor and Legislature. The work of ILCs is aligned with that of other human service and disability providers receiving a COLA. ILCs compete in the same labor market and have the same difficulty in recruiting and retaining staff. We need you to call the Governor and leaders in the Legislature and ask them to include ILCs in the human services COLA.


Ask them to support the inclusion of ILCs in the human services COLA:

“Hello, I’m calling to ask that Independent Living Centers be included in the human services COLA. The work of ILCs is aligned with that of other human service and disability providers receiving a COLA. My local ILC is an important part of the community and they need the support of your office in getting a funding increase. Thank you.”

Speak Out in Support of Meaningful Safeguards for Nursing Home Ownership

Speak Out in Support of Meaningful Safeguards for Nursing Home Ownership

ALERT: LTCCC's Nursing Home Ratings and Reports for 15,000 nursing homes

ALERT: LTCCC's Nursing Home Ratings and Reports for 15,000 nursing homes