Everyone has the right to participate in the their community and be included in community plans and programs. At NCCI we take independent living seriously. To live as independent as you would like and are able to do so, might require you to prepare and respond to emergencies. NCCI can assist you to prepare yourself, your family and your pets emergencies. We also make sure that emergency plans, programs, and exercises include everyone. No one can be forgotten in an emergency. We’re here to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Please contact us to discuss your emergency preparedness needs. If you would like to participate in help- ing your community prepare for the next emergency, please call us. (518) 563-9058
Getting ready to respond to an emergency takes time and effort. If you are a person with a disability or a caregiver, now is the time to get ready. Whether a flood, snowstorm, power outage, or fire, it’s critical you prepare ahead of time. NCCI can help you:
• Assess your emergency response needs. · Understand your evacuation plan.
• Be notified in an emergency.
• Consider your needs for medication, assis- tive devices and prepare a “bug-out” bag con- taining items you need to evacuate.
• Connect to community resources to help you stay ready.
NCCI brings together persons with disabilities, emergency planners, and first responders as one planning team. Participating means more than preparing yourself for an emergency. It means participating in response planning so that everyone is included. NCCI has a “seat at the planning table” to ensure persons with disabilities are included and not forgotten.
“Practice makes perfect”
and that’s why NCCI works with emergency planners to ensure persons with disabilities are not only included in emergency drills and exercises, but also included in planning. NCCI participates in emergency drills and exercises and works hard to ensure persons with disabilities are included. Why? Because we all need to practice to be ready.
NCCI teaches first responders, emergency planners, and others involved in emergencies how to prepare and accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities as necessary. Individuals with disabilities are also given critical information to help prepare themselves and how to advocate for their support. “The Little Book of Ideas, Skills & Practices Emergency Planning” was written by NCCI to help everyone prepare for the next emergency. You can purchase the book by scanning this QR code with your smartphone’s camera