ALERT: Protect Independent Living Funding: Stop the Freeze on Federal Programs!

ALERT: Protect Independent Living Funding: Stop the Freeze on Federal Programs!

Protect the Independent Living Funding: Stop the Freeze on Federal Programs

Dear Members and Allies,  

NCIL is aware of the news overnight that the Trump Administration has issued a “Temporary Pause on Agency Grants, Loans and other Financial Assistance Programs.” We are currently reaching out to our contacts in Congressional offices and in the Trump Administration for guidance and information on what this means for Centers for Independent Living and Statewide Independent Living Councils. As of right now, the Payment Management System (PMS) login appears to be frozen.

How You Can Help

Your voice is powerful, and together we can make an impact. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Take action at the NCIL Advocacy & Action Center ( “Protect the Independent Living Funding: Stop the Freeze on Federal Programs”.

  2. Share this Action Alert.

  3. Tell Congress and the Trump Administration to resume funding for the Independent Living Program.

  4. If you receive any guidance from your state or from the federal level, contact NCIL and share what you are hearing.

NCIL is working on guidance for CILs on how to respond if this freeze remains in place and we are considering options for opportunities for CIL and SILC directors to come together to discuss impact and response. If you have any questions or have any information you can share, please contact NCIL Director of Advocacy and Public Policy Jessica Podesva by email at or by phone 202-864-4251.

In Solidarity,


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