Let's Address Home Care Shortages - Tell Legislators to Sign the Home Care Data Transparency Act!

As we continue to fight for individuals in the independent living community, support is needed to continue services and enhance them were possible. NY Caring Majority is working with other agencies and partners to address ongoing needs, including home care shortages.

NY Capitol Building, Albany, NY

We have a new bill, the Home Care Data Transparency Act (A10176 Gonzalez-Rojas/ S9266 May), which would require the state to make public a range of data about Managed Long Term Care. As we continue to make the case against private insurance in Medicaid-funded home care, we need to be able to track where the money goes.

Please contact your legislators and ask them to sign on to the Home Care Data Transparency Act.

Click here to look up your state senator and assemblymember and their contact info (click your legislator’s name and then scroll down to see their phone number!)


My name is [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR ADDRESS]. I’m calling to urge [NAME OF LEGISLATOR] to co-sponsor the Home Care Data Transparency Act (A10176/S9266). This bill would require the state to publish home care data it already collects. Amid an ongoing home care shortage, New Yorkers deserve transparency on basic home care data. For too long, aging and disabled New Yorkers have been left in the dark without access to basic information, including how much is spent on home care, how many home care hours are used, and who is going without services.

By shedding light on these metrics, New Yorkers will have the information and resources needed to understand how the state is providing home care services.

As our population ages and more New Yorkers turn to home care, we need clarity and transparency on this data so we can solve the home care shortage — and that starts with passing this transparency bill immediately. Can I count on [NAME OF LEGISLATOR] to sign on as a co-sponsor of A10176/S9266.

Please contact your legislators and ask them to sign on to S9266/A10176 immediately. For more info on the bill, read below.

What the Home Care Data Transparency Act does

Requires the state to make public a range of data about Managed Long Term Care. This data would:

Allow the public to determine whether the MLTC program is spending taxpayer money as intended:

  • How many people are enrolled in each Managed Long Term Care plan

  • What services people receive (for instance, what percent of MLTC spending goes to home care vs other services)

  • How many home care hours MLTCs are providing

Allow the public to understand how much profit MLTCs are keeping:

  • How much MLTCs are spending on home care hours vs. how much money is kept as profit

Show service denials:

  • Number of complaints filed for service denials - showing whether plans are wrongfully denying services

Show nursing home diversions:

  • How many MLTC enrollees wind up in nursing homes

  • One of the major purposes of the MLTC program is to keep people out of nursing homes and allow them to thrive in their communities. This data will help the public understand whether MLTC plans are achieving this mission.


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