Links to three disability-related articles shared last week on NCCI social media. Remember that you can always visit NCCI on Facebook and Twitter at the following links:
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Alert: Keep Taking Action for Home Care
NCCI Blog - October 6, 2021
The fight continues to get enough funding for home care in the big “reconciliation” package and passed to eliminate waiting lists and provide a real boost to wages so it’s easier to find and retain home care workers. Congress really needs to hear from people who know about this issue.
Disabled mothers-to-be face indignity: 'Do you have a man? Can you have sex?'
Sonja Sharp, Yahoo! News - September 30, 2021
Unique experiences and perspectives of mothers and mothers-to-be with disabilities.
People with disabilities have a tougher time getting Covid vaccines, the C.D.C. reports.
Benjamin Mueller, New York Times - September 30, 2020
Many disabled people are still finding it hard to get vaccinated.
Weekly featured video on NCCI’s home page:
Disability and Aging with AARP Vice-President Susan Reinhard - The Heumann Perspective